Sword B*tch and the guy with the Long Pants.
Xavier Comisky
Xavier Comisky
“Fellas.” LP delivered his words, smooth like his hairless ass. The look of quick wit was stained on his face. With his empty mouth opening to deliver another word, a fist was faster to fill the aperture than his now void mindset . The fight was initiated. We never planned on getting caught, now improvisation was imminent. Everything stopped. I browsed my options. The crowd behind us would be of use in a get away. That wineglass in LP’s hand could be weaponized in use of a fatal blow. The golden silk tablecloth below our knees might manage to enshroud one of our adversary’s. Yes, I like that idea. Time no longer suspended, fists took air, and in the direction of others. The company's muscle stood no chance against us. Within the matter of 2 minutes, we had snapped a few ribs, fractured a couple collarbones, and shattered the careers of ten or so bouncers. Then, a short, wide-shouldered grunt appeared in my path. Taller than me, but short in proportion to himself. Glasses were heard shattering in the background. Off topic. In a quarterback position, head forward I thought he was actually going to tackle me. Snorts came out of him, he rustled his head side to side twice. He seemed like a miniature horse. I found it quite humorous actually. All the while, the band continued to play, as if the brawl was a typical crowd. I’d say their jazz music was quite beautiful. With the troll having taken the first step, I’d already read his arrangement. A swift dodge to the left, and a pleat beneath his bear-hugging arms, there was nothing to stop me when I snapped my heel down on his popliteal fossa. Yes, the soft spot behind the knee cap. A vociferous scream was narrated to the entire room, overheard by the brawling between LP and the company.
“Ahhhg, Ooh god, please!” he grasped for every breath he could. Flailing his arms and flopping like a 250 pound fish in a rowboat, he dragged me down onto the coarse carpet with him. The sounds of agony now out performed the band, a real baritone voice admitting itself to the world. My heel was actually stuck inside of him! It punctured his skin and was now the ventriloquist of his rubber kneecap. I couldn't believe how sharp these heels must have been to actually slice through his tough skin, dig a trench between the several layers of muscles and reach his bone. Attempting to slip the heel out from the flesh, I failed. The heel must've been lodged in the cartilage around the joint. Disgusting. An arm grabbed my wrist, and I prepared my sore but eager fist for a haymaker. I turn to face the soon to be bruised victim of my assault. It was LP!
“Ahhhg, Ooh god, please!” he grasped for every breath he could. Flailing his arms and flopping like a 250 pound fish in a rowboat, he dragged me down onto the coarse carpet with him. The sounds of agony now out performed the band, a real baritone voice admitting itself to the world. My heel was actually stuck inside of him! It punctured his skin and was now the ventriloquist of his rubber kneecap. I couldn't believe how sharp these heels must have been to actually slice through his tough skin, dig a trench between the several layers of muscles and reach his bone. Attempting to slip the heel out from the flesh, I failed. The heel must've been lodged in the cartilage around the joint. Disgusting. An arm grabbed my wrist, and I prepared my sore but eager fist for a haymaker. I turn to face the soon to be bruised victim of my assault. It was LP!