lil fish
lil fish
Listening to the sound of the sink dripping and staring at the wall is my favourite pastime. Being alone allows the mind to explore. I think about the way the wind blows, the stars and all the black holes that fill each galaxy. I think about Japan, Italy and Australia. I think about thinking. Sometimes I put on music and let my mind go, eyes still looking blankly at the last thing I consciously thought about. I like being alone. I also like being with people. One of my favourite things, and possibly the coolest oxymoron is the concept of being alone with someone-alone together. The presence of another being in a room with you can entirely change the dynamic of the room and how you feel within it. Being alone with someone you like can be such a cool experience. In contrast, being alone with someone you don’t really like or know can make a person feel lonelier than if they really were alone.